Fishing around Airey’s Inlet

This area of the Great Ocean Road offers great fishing. There are several small creeks that have mouths into the ocean and offer some fantastic catches.

Painkalac Creek’s mouth offers salmon, roughies and mullet, while upstream you may catch bream and estuary perch. Bream are usually caught around the bends of the Creek where it is a little quieter. The river is a good fishing spot particularly in Winter.

shark and fish

The Moggs Creek and Eastern View area offers salmon and snapper, while the Moggs Creek mouth offers mullet and salmon.  Moggs Creek is a popular fishing destination around November for Snapper.

Most general stores and service stations in the area carry different lines of tackle and bait.

With a surf rod along the beach there is a good chance of catching a salmon or even a rock cod. The beach between Airey’s Inlet and Fairhaven seems to be the best.

Another favorite is at the headland under the lighthouse where at low tide snapper, salmon and whiting are a common catch.

Eastern View to the west of Fairhaven is a popular destination for night fisherman who want to brave the open sea. Whiting, Snapper, Salmon and the odd shark are good catches, using bait and lures.

Remember fishing is a dangerous sport and always be aware of your surroundings and take the necessary precautions to keep yourself safe.

Aireys Inlet Fishing

Also remember the fishing regulations, these are not only law they help protect the sea life for future generations.

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